Posts tagged facebook
How to Keep Up with all the Changes in Social Media

Of all the issues business owners have with social media, the biggest one is this: when it is constantly changing, how in the world should I keep up? To be honest, the question is not only valid, it’s one that I think about all the time. When I’m managing social media advertising and profiles for 5-10 different businesses at one time, it is imperative that I stay on top of trends and anticipate changes.

In addition, the world of social media is nothing if not constantly in flux. The Facebook of today is worlds apart from the platform of one, five, and ten years ago. Everybody knows that, but only business owners think about how this impacts the bottom line. If the algorithm prefers a certain type of content one day and a different one the next, how can you possibly know what to post?

Ultimately, though, the question comes down to…

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Which Social Media Platform Should My Business Use?

Let’s face it: none of us knew how big social media would become when Facebook first launched its platform in February 2004. Not only did that particular business grow beyond belief, dozens (maybe hundreds?) more have sprung up since then. With the addition of Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, and countless others, it feels like there is always a voice in the room telling business owners that if they only did this on this platform, they would be successful.

But we simply cannot do it all. There is no way to run a business and be wildly successful on each social media platform. In the end, it can constantly feel like you are behind because your business is not killing it on _______________ (fill in the blank). Too often I have seen overwhelmed business owners so stuck in this mindset that they decide to forego social media altogether.

That, however, is decidedly not the best solution…

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Why the 'Boost Post' Button on Facebook is a Waste of Money

Facebook ads are the bread and butter of marketing for a lot of small businesses, especially those who can’t afford to hire a marketing consultant. The good news is that social media ads can be extremely effective and cheap…but the bad news is that most people are throwing their time and money away by not understanding the basics of Facebook advertising. Spoiler alert: clicking the ‘Boost Post’ button for your ad and walking away is almost always a waste of your valuable resources. Here’s why.

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How to Use Facebook Creator Studio

Facebook Creator Studio was actually launched some time ago, but until recently I was still scheduling my Facebook and Instagram posts using third-party software like MavSocial and CoSchedule. While these were incredibly helpful, I recently switched to only using Creator Studio for a variety of reasons.

When I first logged in to use it, however, I was pretty confused by several different features, so if you’re new to using Creator Studio, here is a brief overview of what you can do, and a little bit about why I switched from another platform…

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The Basics of Facebook Ads, Part 3

Click here to start at the beginning of the Facebook Ads series.

The ‘audience’ portion of Facebook ad sets is actually a huge topic, and I’ll probably cover it in a few different posts, since I’m not going to talk about Lookalike or Custom Audiences in this particular post - it would be too long! My goal in this miniseries is to show you the basics of advertising so you can get started without overwhelming you by covering all the different options. With that said, let’s jump right in!


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The Basics of Facebook Ads, Part 2

Click here to read The Basics of Facebook Ads, Part 1

Now that you have made a simple ad in Facebook Ads Manager and you understand the platform a little better, the next step is understanding the purpose of Campaign Objectives. Currently there are almost a dozen different choices, so I’m not going into detail on every one. Instead, I’ll cover common objectives that can help you get started, and in future blogs I will dive deeper into the Conversion objective, at the very least.

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The Basics of Facebook Ads, Part 1

If you have been on Facebook for longer than one minute, I am certain you have seen an ad. These ads can look different - from sponsored posts to videos and more - but they form the backbone of Facebook’s revenue. In fact, you have likely seen an ad for a product you were interested in on a completely different platform, which seems both brilliant and creepy at the same time. For business owners, this should light a spark in your mind to think about how you can capitalize on the incredible tools Facebook advertising has to offer so that you can build your business - whether product or service based.

So how do you get started with Facebook ads? Here are the steps to creating your first social media advertisement…

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Five Minute Marketing: How to Immediately Get More Facebook Likes...for Free!

The title of this post may sound gimmicky, but I’m not into gimmicks…just marketing advice that is 100% true and 100% helpful…yet easy to implement at the same time. That said, let me jump right into the easiest way to increase your Facebook likes for free!

The truth is, as much as it seems like the opposite is true, Facebook wants your business page to succeed. The happier you are with the results you see, the more advertising dollars they get and the more satisfied the consumer (aka anyone not running a business) is, which leads to their own business success. Yes, they have become a ‘pay-to-play’ platform in many respects, but they offer the most options for getting to know who your ideal customer truly is…and reaching them quickly and easily, even if you have to pay a little to do that…

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Five Minute Marketing: Locations, Geotags, and Check-ins

Have you ever seen someone ‘check-in’ at a location on social media and wondered how they did it - and why? Do you want to be found when a potential customer is scrolling through Instagram? Here’s how to use location services, geotags, and check-ins on social media to increase your reach!

In short, all three of those terms refer to using a platform (mostly on social media) to indicate where you are at a particular time. On Instagram, the location appears just below the username on a particular picture or video. On Facebook, the check-in appears beside text, images, or videos, and the actual location appears below the title. Below are a few sample images so you can see exactly what I mean…

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Why Facebook Likes Don't Matter

One of the questions I most frequently hear is, “How do I get more Facebook likes?” or “How do I get more followers on Instagram?” And above all, the follow-up question is, “How can I get more social media fans for free?”

Social media is a whirlwind, and it can be difficult to cut through the noise and actually get your message heard. Business owners everywhere struggle with finding and keeping a following, and even when you’ve accomplished that, it’s frustrating to post on your page and hear virtual crickets from your followers. What’s worse, when you compare your page to a competitor’s, you’ve noticed their audience is way bigger…and seems to actually love the content they’re producing. So what gives?

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Five Minute Marketing: How to Find New Customers on Social Media

Let me start off with a disclaimer: there are literally books written about this topic that I’m covering in a five minute marketing segment, so I am by no means claiming to cover it all with one article. I can, however, share some effective strategies most of my clients aren’t already using to find new customers using social media.

My second disclaimer is that although this article will only take about five minutes to read, the strategies themselves will require time and consistency, since nothing done randomly can be effectively repeated. With all that said, here are some things you can do right now to find new clients using Facebook, Instagram, and more…

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Five Minute Marketing: How to Use Hashtags on Social Media

Oh, hashtags. Such a big, beautiful, and confusing topic that provides frustration for every business owner and entrepreneur. While opinions differ on the best hashtag strategy for Instagram and social media in general, there are a few rules that can help inform exactly what you do and why. Here is what I’ve learned through years of marketing about how hashtags can help - and hurt - your social media presence.

1) There is a limit to hashtags on Instagram.
Right now, you can use no more than 30 per post. Creator Studio will tell you exactly how many you are using, but if you are writing the caption yourself or using another scheduling service, you will have to manually count them or your post/comment will be rejected…

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