Happy 3rd Birthday, Willow!


I think we can all agree that this last year has been wild. Today, the craziest thing happening to me is that I’m now the parent of a 3-year-old child when, exactly 3 years ago today, I didn’t even know she existed (read about her adoption story here).

I could talk for days about motherhood - the ups, the downs, the difficulties, the joys, and all the unexpected things that accompany keeping a tiny human alive - but today I just want to celebrate the fact that she was born and continues to grow each day, taller and sassier and smarter than I could have imagined.

Willow is a fighter. Even at her tiny birth weight of 5lb 14oz, she overcame more than anyone should be asked to conquer. She passed every test with flying colors (except for one, but it turns out that test was just plain wrong) and made it home after an epic, exhausting, difficult, and unforgettable 11+ hour road trip that tested all of our limits.

Willow has the kindest heart. If she thinks for a moment anyone is hurt - me, Nathan, a dog, a ladybug she happened to squeeze a little too hard - she will stop everything to try and fix it. I’ll never forget a run I went on a few months ago when I got so dehydrated I had to call Nathan for a pickup. When we got home she not only offered me water and snuggles (which is VERY outside of her comfort zone!), she gave me her prized possession for comfort: her stuffed ducky that is her constant companion.

Willow is courageous. For better or for worse, she thinks and acts like she’s one of the big kids. It doesn’t bother her that many of her friends are years older than her and ahead of her abilities. She will race them, play with them, jump on the trampoline with them, and rush outside whenever she sees our neighbors in the street.


Willow is expressive. There is NO DOUBT if she is having a good time or a bad one. Sure, that means she can throw some pretty incredible tantrums, but it also means that she’s the kid having the MOST fun at Busch Gardens, or while ‘wrestling’ Daddy, or running through the sprinkler in the heat of the day. Her shrieks and smiles are absolutely unmistakable.

Finally, Willow is determined. If she makes up her mind to do something, watch out if you get in her way. I so admire this spirit in her, because I sometimes have the bad habit of giving up - or even not trying in the first place - if I know I won’t do well. Watching her progression through difficulties is a daily reminder that we won’t get better if we don’t try…and fail…and try again. I have a feeling she’s going to do some pretty amazing things in her life as a result.

This opinionated, chatty, strong, and feisty little girl is both the greatest challenge and the greatest blessing God could ever have given us. Today I plan to spoil her, love on her, make her some green ice cream and double chocolate chip cookies (at her request), and marvel at the fact that this life is ours to raise and love for the rest of our years together.

Happy birthday, Willow. You amaze me in every way.
