SEO Tips for Small Businesses | Image Names

Today, let's dive into another blog post aimed at helping you master SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for your small business’ online presence. Today I’m focusing on one key aspect that most business owners are not even aware of that can help search ranking rankings: image naming.

Whether or not you regularly blog for your business, image optimization is crucial. Every image you upload to your website has a behind-the-scenes name that can significantly impact your online discoverability. Let me share a powerful example from when I was a photographer. At the time I was based in Virginia, and I had just taken photos for a family in Newport News. Shortly after uploading the images on my blog, I received an inquiry from a different family who wanted to book a session. The crazy part was that family lived halfway across the country in Texas, and yet I still showed up on a Google image search due to my photo names and image descriptions.

This demonstrates the immense power of image SEO. People frequently use image searches for ideas and inspiration. If your images rank at the top of these searches, there's a strong chance your website is the first one they will visit, potentially leading to more business opportunities. So, how do you optimize your image names?

The easiest method is to name your images correctly on your computer before uploading them. The file name you choose will carry over when you upload them to your website or blog (assuming you have that option selected). In my workflow, I curate any visuals required for each blog post and rename them accordingly, ensuring they're resized to the correct dimensions before uploading.

Alternatively, some platforms allow you to name files after uploading. This process varies depending on your web host or platform but enables you to optimize your images for search without renaming them on your computer. On Squarespace, you can rename images by clicking on them in the edit mode, then entering a custom name in the box provided.

Now, deciding what to name your images requires a bit of strategic thinking. Should you choose your location, product, service, or a combination of a few different things? This is where personalized SEO training can make a big difference. If you're unsure about naming your images for optimal search engine visibility, reach out with any questions you have, and I would be happy to help.. This aspect is crucial and shouldn't be overlooked!

I hope these tips help enhance your business's online presence. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below. Here's to boosting your visibility and attracting more potential customers through effective image SEO!